Wednesday, February 26, 2020


Science museum

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Museums are wonderful media for public education. They are institutions that collect and preserve original objects and specimens and use them for research and educational displays. Museums are are repositories with an array of educative materials including rare specimens on a  variety of subjects arranged in logical order.
As the word implies museum is intended to be a place for study. It is reference file of real objects by which one can verify and amplify knowledge. It is a place where one learns by seeing articles of interest a centre of recreation where one learns pleasantly and enjoys.
Museums are symbols of of culture and knowledge dedicated to the service of people. In a public museum one cannot touch and handle objects under observation. But in a school museum one can study by handling things.
For the scholar, museum represents repositories of the objects of study and research, for education educationist and teachers they are store houses of concrete and vivid adjuncts which lend colour and reality to all forms of teaching, for students they act as a spark which can ignite Wonder and curiosity  while ordinary citizen they can be sources of pleasure, delight and knowledge.

Advantages of science museum

1.        Barriers of language are diminished in a museum.
2.       Museum provides knowledge through entertainment and fun.
3.       Museum appeal to the sense of beauty, sense of curiosity and the sense of continuity with the past.
4.       Stimulates interest awareness knowledge and understanding.
5.       Provide a model for going beyond classroom education.
6.       Develop stronger sensor enquiry for participants and get frank answers.
7.        Offer experiences that tough for schools to present.
8.       Advantages of science museum.
9.       Make you smarter by having gained informations or insight during your visit.
10.   Provide an effective way of learning in informal environment.
11.   Museums are a lot more than collection of artefact they allow you to meet with neighbours discuss thoughts and opinions and become and active part of the community.
12.   The promotion of education and cultivation of conversation that are taking place in museum across the nation shapes and strengthens our neighbourhoods.

Disadvantages of science museum

1.       It may be difficult to organise a field trip due to cost, safety issues etc.
2.       It may be difficult for the students to focus on lessons if they are excited about spending a day outside the classroom.

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